Website-Icon Klangkellerei

Lockdown 2

Reacting to the recent amendment of the Bundesverordnung zur Eindämmung von CoViD-19 we are temporarily closing down our business for an indefinite amount of time starting on Monday 2nd of November at 11:59 pm. Read on.


As a pivot point for musicians and as a recreational business in the broadest sense we are obliged to shut any business down at Klangkellerei.

The measures taken by our government will affect reservations and bookings:

We’re truely sorry this has to happen all over again and we’d especially like to thank all of you who stuck to the authorities‘ recommendations concerning hygiene since after the first lockdown. We’d like to think that all of the people in and around Klangkellerei did their best to protect themselves and others from harm by CoviD-19.

If and when our business is allowed to open doors again strongly depends on the development of case numbers and further action by our government. We will provide any news on our homepage and via Facebook and Twitter. We’re open for discussion and your questions and you can reach us via e-mail, our contact form or by calling during our office hours.

Thanks for your co-operation, we appreciate your understanding and hope to see you again soon.

Stay safe and bye!

Foto von Miguel Á. Padriñán von Pexels

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